Southern Bricks LUG |
Southern Bricks LUG
Type of membership

Signup | Southern Bricks LUG

About the club

Southern Bricks LUG (SBLUG) is a social club for people who like LEGO. We meet in person and catch up online to share our love of the brick by collecting, building and displaying our LEGO creations! 

We are called Southern Bricks because we are based in South Australia. We have members from all over the greater metropolitan area of Adelaide. Southern Bricks also run the Limestone Coast LUG (LCLUG) for people living in the greater Mount Gambier area. 

Southern Bricks LUG is a group for AFOLs (adult fans of LEGO) but our events are family friendly and teens and children are most welcome to join in too.

Southern Bricks offers both a FREE and PAID membership of the group. 

  • Free memberships allow you to display at events such as BRIXPO, participate in our online Facebook page and attend our monthly face-to-face meets at no cost (normally held at Findon Community Centre).

  • Full (paid) membership gives you a say in how the group is run by allocation of ‘voting rights’ that can be exercised at an Annual General Meeting either in person, or by proxy voting. Full members must be over 18. Membership costs $25 per year.

Feel free to sign up below and we hope to see you in person at a meeting in the near future. 

Click the "Let's Start" button to begin.



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